Open Workshop on Strategy to Revise Prelims and Mains In 4 Months
Open Workshop on Strategy to Revise Prelims and Mains In 4 Months Date: 1st November at 2:00PM To attend the session fill the Registration form: Register ---Please Select Mode--- Online Offline ---Select UPSC Appearing Year--- 2023 2024 2025 2026 How did you get the information about this program? Google Youtube Facebook Instagram Other Sources SUBMIT In a fiercely competitive environment, the approach of revising for Prelims and Mains serves as a guiding light, aiding aspirants in aligning their preparation efforts for these crucial stages. GS SCORE is hosting an open Workshop dedicated to the " Strategy for Revising Prelims and Mains in 4-Months " Key Focus Areas of the Workshop: 1. Micro Management of S...